
Tuesday, May 16, 2006

What was still is

Reading over a friend's blog this morning, he was discussing those friendships that are made during the impressional highschool years and how they those people know you more than others who meet you in your adult years. This is something have been noticing as well. It seemed that people we meet now in our twenty-something years, never quite know you as well as those you knew when you were younger.

This post prompted some reflection and what even cemented it was when I went to the Triple J website to plug into some music and get started working. In reviewing their selection, I saw a recent NOFX mixed tape. An excitement quickly ran through me, as NOFX was my absolute favorite band throughout highschool and beyond. I still enjoy them today, though not the same extent. Let's just say that while in highshool, those who knew who NOFX was were much cooler in my book compared to those who didn't. Anyway, I plugged in and have been traveling through various memories of the past.

I often think of those whom I no longer keep in touch with, and it saddens me. We grow apart, that is life. I am thankful for those who have stayed in touch and just hope everyone is doing well and happy. Perhaps we will meet again someday.

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