
Saturday, September 24, 2005

Morning market moments

After staying up too late printing the maps for the crew leaving Monday, I tried to go to bed early so as to make it to the Farmer's Market this morning. All the asking and searching around paid off when, a few weeks ago, I stumbled upon a farmer's market hidden on the southern apart of town.

It was nice to see the fresh vegetables in baskets and they even had eggs. I purchased a carton of small eggs for $1, ah... fresh eggs. I can't wait to have chickens on some property and collect fresh eggs and watch little chicks hatch. There was also a woman selling hot tamales and turnovers. I bought an apple one and a sweet potatoe with pecan and coconut one. The apple one was good, I'm eating that with my coffee,as this is being typed, and the sweet potatoe one I am saving for later.

There were not as many vendors as at the Raleigh Farmer's Market, pictured to the right. I stopped there when I went over a few weeks ago for work. It was the middle of the week, but there were lots of vendors, vegetables, and flowers for sale.

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