
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Rule Number 6

One of my favorite mentors passed along a book many years ago. Like most of what he passed along, the book has stuck with me since. I devoured the book the first time I read it and each time since. There are many things that resonate from this book, but one has inspired a painting.

There's a story about two prime ministers who are sitting in a room, discussing affairs of state. Suddenly a man bursts through the door, screaming and shouting. The prime minister who's hosting the meeting says to the man, "Peter, please remember Rule Number Six." Peter is immediately restored to calm. He apologizes, bows, and walks out. About 20 minutes later, a woman comes flying in. She's beside herself. The prime minister says, "Maria, please remember Rule Number Six." Maria apologizes and walks out.

The visiting prime minister can't contain his curiosity: "My dear colleague, what is this Rule Number Six?" The other prime minister says, "Very simple: Don't take yourself so goddamn seriously." The visitor replies, "That's a nice rule. What, may I ask, are the other rules?" The prime minister answers, "There aren't any."
excerpt from The Art of Possibility by Zander and Zander

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