As the semester closes in, I find myself looking feverishly for distractions. Why? I have no idea; they are the last thing I need, but none the less are what I am focusing on. So, I bought a fluorescent fixture and tubes to light the sun thirsty plants that must reside inside away from the freezing temperatures. Unfortunately, the two aloes look like they are not going to make it, as the cold over the past few nights has caused their succulent leaves to grow limp form the water freezing and expanding, bursting the cells.
However, being that the fixture was only $8 and the tubes were not much more, I decided it would a low cost hobby and would allow me to spend time learning something I have been wanting to do for ages anyway. So, I plan on buying some seeds and trying my hand at propagation and will hopefully have some little seedlings by the time winter break is over. Since I am going to be in Florida for about a week at the end of the month, I am going to start some seeds at the green house under the light benches there.
It is exciting! Just in trying to figure out what type of light and fixture to get, there was a plethora of information. Reading up and researching has always been my favorite part of learning something new. I just hope it does not increase the electric bill; that is the main reason I had not started growing plants inside before. What has changed my mind? Surely it is not the decrease in the price of nrg.... no, but the fluorescent lights are supposed to be good on nrg consumption and the way things are going, I felt like I needed something pleasant and rewarding that was not time consuming. So, in essence I'm being selfish; however, since I plan on sharing the plants, giving them to others, I feel that offsets the selfishness.
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