
Wednesday, January 25, 2006

A sorry state of affairs

I have to give to the people at jib jab. They have done it again. Many people, including myself, first heard about them during the last election. During a time when opinions were rising and propaganda was so thick you could almost not breath, jib jab came out with a cartoon displaying both parties negative and positive traits. Over the past years, Bush's exploitation of the distinguished presidential position has given the people at jib jab oodles of material to work with. This has culminated in their newest cartoon musical: 2-0-5 Year End Round Up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I concure, this current state of affairs is as sad as it gets but it will all be over with soon enough. This is the last year we will need to endure this one mans sorry outlook on the way things should be. I don't have a site I do however have a site hit me up sometime.

May we all take this next year with a grain of salt, it is after all the year of Aquarius.
