
Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Oh what joys the mailman brings...

The other day, I was surprised upon opening my mailbox, for there were two packages waiting for me. It was wonderful to receive the gift from those who care for me. It made my day! The anticipation of their contents drove me to open them quickly and even more happily, I was overwhelmed with the joy that the people who sent the presents had taken the time to think of me... many miles away. One of the gifts was a book by Arlene Blum (if you click the pix, it should take you to her website). She was a pioneer in women's mountaineering during a time when climbing mountains was not what women did. This book is her story... of childhood struggles forming her determination to persevere against what others considered impossible and also make her place in the world. Even though I am bogged down with course work, the book is so well written and the story so intriguing, all I want to do is keep reading (I stayed up 'til midnight last night reading it and finally put the book down when my eyes would no longer stay open without assistance).

The two packages I received warmed my heart greatly and I was a little sad that I could thank those who sent them with a hug. That will have to come later. Thank-you very much! I hope in some way I reciprocate those wonderful feelings.

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