Here's a picture of the apartment buildings in which I live. Mine is number 5, a very good number indeed. It seems that people around here have a thing with red doors, I don't quite get it, but it seems to be very common.
The apartment consists of 3 rooms with two entrances/exits facing east and west, which I like a lot. It creates a nice cross breeze through the house with the doors and windows open. As you walk in through the front door, you enter the living room/kitchen area. I have yet to get a small table b/c I am not sure if I will have enough room for it, but I'd really like one.
Then you walk through the door on the opposite wall as the front door, into the bedroom with the bathroom off to the right side. Basically, the apartment is shaped like a square, broken up into two rectangles. The first rectangle is the living room/kitchen and the second rectangle consists of two squares, one large and one small. The bedroom is the larger square with the smaller square being the bathroom.
Going out the back door into the backyard, which is nicely sized, there is a small stoop with a few brick steps, like in the front. Outside, there are two comfy lounge chairs to sit and ponder. I like to lay on the bed, looking out through the screened door and watch the birds. They go through the bird seed so quickly!
I enjoy the apartment a lot. I really like living on my own and it's a good size, not too big and not too small, quite perfect actually. I just hope money doesn't get too tight, b/c I'd like to stay in this apartment. It's only 4 blocks from campus and I come home for lunch a lot.
I'm also looking into using snapfish to upload photos for you guys to view. You would also be able to purchase them and they would be shipped to your door for a mere 12 cents a piece... not bad, eh. Has anyone used this before?
hey there sweet crib hope all is well talk to you soon
I like it! Is that lino I see???
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