This blog started because of a purchase. The purchase of a digital camera.
Like a cell phone, I did not foresee myself succumbing to the technological advances of the times. I know it is practically impossible to imagine someone not wanting a cell phone, as they have infiltrated our societies, but I was reluctant. Similarly, I was reluctant to buy a digital camera. My enjoyment of photography was in the organic process that occurred in the dark room while developing the film and creating prints. Therefore, digital photography was not very appealing to me. However, without access to a dark room and the equipment necessary to carry out that which I enjoyed so much, I decided to buy a small point and shoot digital camera that had a few manual capabilities. The instant gratification of being able to see the pictures was overwhelming and soon I knew I wanted a DSLR. However, the expensive price of the newly coveted device made it inaccessible.
Now, after years of desire and saving, I am ecstatic to have just purchased a DSLR. The past few weeks have been filled with research, educating myself on the DSLR products available, seeking advice from friends, determining the best price for the products, etc. What a relief it was to finally make a decision and purchase the equipment. I felt as though I was starting to go crazy, chasing my tail in circles with all the information.
It does not surprise me that the resurgence of this blog coincides with the addition of this new toy. Somehow, I find it quite fitting. This purchase accompanies a large transition in my life and the resulting myriad of emotions, thoughts, and changes that occur internally and externally. It is during times like these that I seek refuge in posting.