
Friday, February 25, 2011

Life lesson take 1: Surrender

Ever so slowly, I am getting acquainted w/ the unexpectedness the future holds and reveling in the excitement of the unknown. Although I consider myself to be a flexible and mutable person, there are some things that have always had to be knowns for me. This recent transition time has carried with it the lesson of surrender. One would think, given some my past experiences, surrender would be something that came easily to me, but in fact those previous life experiences had the opposite effect, leaving me with the need to feel secure and in control. However, I am beginning to slowly open to, enjoy, and embrace surrendering. And I must say, it is damn nice! What a relief it is not to carry the weight of the world [at least my world] on my shoulders, not to make myself responsible for everything, especially things out of my control. It has been freeing, exhilarating, and I will admit scary, but stepping outside one's comfort zone often is.

It has been a roller coaster and the ride doesn't look like it's coming to end anytime soon. Each day, I sit a little more comfortable in my seat, accepting the things I cannot control, and taking action when I can. We always have a choice and at this time in life, I choose to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride as much as possible... it makes the journey all that more enjoyable!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

9 days!

That's right... in a mere 9 days my current position will end. It is interesting to reflect on how a few months ago this thought brought waves of fear and anxiety, but now it brings ecstasy. Sitting last night in the dimly lit apartment, paintbrush and glass of white wine in each hand, I savored the thought of the unknown, the endless possibilities that begin to take shape, and long list of things I'd like to do. A list that includes:
  • cross country road trip
  • NOLA visit
  • extended ashram stay
  • painting
  • backpacking
  • photography along the way

Thankfully, a temporary position is waiting in the wings and I am excited about that as well, but first a break. Ah... a break, those sweet words! I have been waiting for this time for what seems like ages. What shall this time be used for?? Oh, there are so many things. However, being that the break may only be 1 to 2 weeks, I am focusing on a trip to New Orleans, painting, a lot of asanas, and meditation. Depending on how much time is available, perhaps more can be worked in... and who knows, maybe a cross country trip will take shape as I relocate to the west coast.

The world is full of possibilities!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Orange juice and pickles

I was thinking this morning of how I think I could live off of orange juice and pickles, although not together. More so, I was contemplating how perfect each is in their own and how thankful I am to whomever decided to juice oranges and pickle cucumbers. Don't get me wrong, I love a juicy orange or a crisp cuke, but there is something more... I don't know... about orange juice and pickles compared to oranges and cucumbers.

As I am in a transitional state at the moment, changing jobs with the likelihood of moving, I have associated this time in my life to that of the process in which oranges and cucumbers evolved into the mouth watering orange juice and pickles. This time, although stressful, is filled with excitement and awe. It is a process and I am not sure exactly how it is going to end up, but I am sure it is going to be something great, just like orange juice and pickles!

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Your patience please

It might be time to revive this blog and in doing so, I felt like a new look was in order. So, please bare with the trial period, as I test out a new template and figure out where this blog is going to lead us.

Thanks for your patience!