"You know that point in your life when you realize that the house you grew up in isn’t really your home anymore…all of the sudden even though you have some place to put your shit, that idea of home is gone…or maybe it's like this rite of passage…you will never have that feeling again until you create a new idea of home for yourself..." ~ Zach Braff in Garden State
In migrating to North Carolina 3 years ago, I made a large effort in creating a new home for myself; however, it was lacking the family aspect and support of friends that are essential in the fulfillment of my life. Nearing the year stint in Greenville, I was fortunate enough to walk leave having made a few friends, which I will cherish, and start anew.
The translocation and new career beginnings have brought much of the unexpected. I have connected with a few people forming strong relationships that are unfolding beautifully. However, the transitional feeling and homelessness still lingers, roots are still laying on top of the earth, and floating on the water, adrift, is the feeling that surrounds, spurring the question, "Will I ever have a home?"
Over time, perhaps this will become my home and when asked, "Where are you from?", I will no longer instinctively reply, "Florida." Perhaps the day will come when that question is followed by a pause or a different answer, but until then, I am floating, adrift, trying to catch my bearings, taking in the passing scenery, trying not to focus too much on the past, but what is up ahead.